“When I first started working in vision impairment, I thought it was a narrow field (no pun intended). After a few months, that perception quickly...
“285 million people worldwide will now have greater access to books published in accessible formats such as large print, braille or audio” (Australia Government, Department of...
“Technologies such as video-conferencing have opened up a world of opportunity for people with disability. VisAbility Manager of Therapy and Support Services Seb Della Maddalena...
“How do you navigate peak-hour in pitch black? What’s it like to feel your way through a crowded footpath? How would you find and communicate...
Congratulations to our Accessible Information Services team members Vithya and David, who have successfully completed a Professional Certificate in Web Accessibility Compliance (PCWA). Undertaken through...
“If you didn’t know that too much chocolate wasn’t good for you, how much and what type of chocolate would you eat? White chocolate? Dark...