A message from the CEO

As 2020 draws to an end, I’d like to thank all our staff, clients, volunteers and stakeholders for their flexibility and grit in one of the most challenging years we have seen.

A woman holding a puppy smiling

Our team has shown great resilience. By adapting to a new way of working at a moment’s notice during COVID restrictions, ensuring we could continue to provide service to our valued clients. We have embraced the challenges.

We have welcomed new team members and farewelled others. During COVID and beyond we have brought our therapy services online. Our dedicated children’s therapy centre expanded and is now known as Kites Children’s Therapy. We revamped the Bellerive building, logo, and website.

The Guide Dogs Tasmania team has been working tirelessly behind the scenes training puppies for the Guide and Autism Assistance Dog programs. We were able to hold our Guide Dogs Tasmania graduation this year, thanks to the team’s innovation and quick thinking to continue to train dogs throughout COVID lockdown. The Engagement & Development team launched our new Guide Dogs TAS website, and created a new range of Australian-made merchandise.

Finally, we launched our new look for our VisAbility brand. A new logo that is accessible, and a dedicated VisAbility Tasmania website to promote our blind and low vision speciality services across the state.

Our organisation is lucky to have committed employees, their hard work makes us who we are. I hope this Christmas season brings you and your families enough joy and laughter to last a lifetime. It is time to have a well-earned break. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year in 2021.

Kind Regards,

Elizabeth Barnes,
Chief Executive Officer | VisAbility | Guide Dogs WA/TAS | Kites.