VisAbility is delighted to announce that its Board of Directors has appointed Elizabeth Barnes as Chief Executive Officer.
Commenting on the appointment, VisAbility Board Chair, Debbie Schaffer OAM said, “as a highly experienced executive in the health and community services sector, Elizabeth will bring significant strategic capability to the role. She has held multiple executive and leadership positions in organisations delivering health and disability services. Her governance acumen has achieved successful growth and sustainability outcomes in organisations encompassing multi-sites, some in remote locations.”
With an early background in occupational therapy, Elizabeth Barnes most recently headed a leading primary health care provider, 360 Health + Community, whose services include Headspace, Street Doctor, suicide prevention, NDIS, pain clinics, aged care and chronic disease throughout the metropolitan area, Goldfields and the Midwest.
A member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, in her senior governance roles on the Boards of a number of community health, welfare and disability organisations, she has driven substantial improvements in service capacity and income realisation.
Elizabeth’s track record amply demonstrates her passion for people and effective service provision,” Debbie Schaffer said. “We are most excited about the prospect of Elizabeth leading VisAbility through its next evolutionary phase, so that our well regarded organisation continues to thrive and deliver high quality services to people with disabilities.
Elizabeth Barnes will commence in the role of VisAbility CEO in August 2019.
– Mrs. Debbie Schaffer OAM, Chair of the Board