The Overland Track in Tasmania’s pristine wilderness is rated one of the top ten walks in the world. Just ask Google!
It is on many intrepid travellers’ bucket list, and though many embark on the 65 kilometre journey from Cradle Mountain to Lake St Clair, not all finish.
The journey is one that will test even the fittest athlete as you tackle Tasmania’s wild weather, leeches, and soggy boots, rewarded with stunning views, inquisitive animals and a sense of achievement by the end.
As the famous quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson (link opens in new window) sums up ‘It’s not about the destination, but the journey’.
For VisAbility client Eve Clark such an adventure was calling her.
Eve is legally blind and has Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Only four years ago Eve couldn’t walk two kilometres without falling over. Now she is planning walking through some of Tasmania’s most rugged and breath taking scenery.
Jeremy would be her eyes during the trip describing every root, rock and muddy hole. This was the first time anyone has requested a companion card from Parks and Wildlife in Tasmania to hike the trail. Thanks to Jeremy’s determination, he received a letter from the Premier granting him the card. Paving the way for other’s to be able to enjoy the wildness.
Like all great quests things don’t always go to plan. After a delayed start, the family had to modify where they spent the nights hunkering down in the emergency shelters.
Not one to give up, Eve would spend long hours on the trail. Her dad describing the many trackside trees, she would listen to the songs of the rivers and smell the variety of plants along the way.
Give things a go! It doesn’t have to be a big walk. You have to let people help. When you let people help you can do so many things”. Eve explains “Being with family everyday inspired me to push harder.

The pace meant that often they would be hitting camp well into the night, but a holiday with family is priceless. A pre booked ferry waiting, meant long days on the trail, and blisters the size of golf balls on her feet. Eve kept to the tempo with the aid of a stick and carrying her pack the entire way.
Only tripping a few times, Eve reached the ferry at Nina Bay to sail across to Lake St Clair.
With the cool breeze kissing at her face, Eve could reflect on what they achieved together. Quality time spent with family a definite highlight.
This adventure is only the beginning for Eve Clark; next stop New Zealand.
Watch Walking the Overland Track Blind (link opens in new window)!
Let our Orientation & Mobility Team help you on your own journey. To get in touch call us on 1800 484 333.